Velneo vDevelop is a programming tool for developing management and database applications in a completely visual way in 32 bits multitask environments. Great VB/.Net alternative. It was developed initially for windows and it uses the market's standards. This is a completely operative Velneo version. It includes a very useful Item repository and business open code templates. With Velneo, the design of the application is based on the information that is going to be managed, its structure and the different binds between data. Later, visual objects associated with the data tables are added, and so are the processes for the automation of the tasks. This group of applications make up a Velneo project. Velneo is made up of 2 basic programs: vDevelop (project editor) and vRunner (single-user project executor).vDevelop: It has the development environment in which applications are created and edited.vRunner: It is the module that executes the projects that are built. If you have a Velneo license you can distribute it freely, alongside with your project.
Here are some key features of "Velneo vDevelop":
Allows high performance with great volume of information. It guarantees security and speed in access to databases. The development of the applications is 100% visual without losing power nor versatility. The visual objects are re-used from one application to another. The binds among the different databases are generated intelligently and automatically. Hardware requirements and resource consumption is minor. It handles objects of variable length in data base fields: text, pictures, OLE.Great VB/.Net alternative. Check it out!!!